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    Some of the applications & abilities used in own and, or common-realities, no priority given for abilities at the top of the list (factual listing is endless):
    - to know (understand, learn, etc)
    - to acknowledge
    - to let (others) know or communicate
    - to create, to decreate (generally) 
    - to change, to stay the same 
    - to paste, to unpaste 
    - to move, to stop
    - to shift
    - to multiply
    - to combine
    - to dissolve
    - to teach
    - to absorb
    - to enhance
    - to survive
    - to persist 
    - to do anything with the mind, to resolve the mind
    - to be aware
    - to be, to not be (singularly, multiplary, shared, etc)
    - to change, to not change
    - to be in a body, to be outside of a body
    - to interiorize, to exteriorize
    - to generalize, to indentify
    - to assosiate, to dissasosiate
    - to scan
    - to symbolize
    - to share
    - to appear, to dissapear
    - to synchronize, to desynchronize (solids, frequencies, systems, minds, spirits, fields, bodies, waves, universes, multi-universes, realities, etc)
    - to fixate (on reality), to shift in reality
    - to focus on 3 dimensions, to extend beyond 3 dimensions
    - to heal
    - to cure
    - to release
    - to enturbulate, to unenturbulate
    - to abberate, to deabberate
    - to block, to unblock
    - to inhibit, to uninhibit (other's mockups)
    - to clear
    - to restore
    - to mockup physical reality
    - to duplicate
    - to replicate
    - to cross-copy
    - to sonate
    - to re-sonate
    - to program, to deprogram
    - to program thoughts, to deprogram thoughts 
    - to respond to programmed thoughts, to not respond to programmed thoughts
    - to be aware of machinery
    - to create machinery, to uncreate machinery 
    - to control mental machinery
    - to be in many places (simultaneously, selectively, etc)
    - to be one (in specific applications, realities, etc)
    - to be selfish ('ego')
    - to be altruistic
    - to ignore, to place attention
    - to importanize, to unimportanize 
    - to be one and many simultaneously
    - to divide, to combine
    - to see the structure of things
    - to see through things
    - to look within things
    - to see remotely
    - to locate, to not locate
    - to pervade
    - to permeate
    - to dimensionalize
    - to as-is
    - to alter-is
    - to not is 
    - to leave time stream
    - to spot the correct time (specifically and not)
    - to have no time track
    - to bypass time
    - to ignore time
    - to not be effect of entities
    - to see entities
    - to hold onto entities, to let go of entities
    - to be infested, to be clean
    - to infest others, to clean others
    - to divide, to integrate (make whole)
    - to fragment, to integrate
    - to not orient anchor points, to orient anchor points
    - to not determinate objects, to determinate objects
    - to leave the structure of things alone, to manipulate things
    - to make not material things, to materialize things
    - to dematerialize
    - to be undescribable
    - to combne
    - to singularize
    - to make solids impenetrable, to make solids penetrable
    - to infinitize, to un-infinitize
    - to actualize, to not actualize
    - to perpetuate reality, to violate reality
    - to leave random, to unrandomize
    - to read minds, to not read minds
    - to take over (others) minds
    - to alter (own, others, collective, etc) minds
    - to implode (own, others, collective, etc) pictures
    - to swap thoughts
    - to project thoughts
    - to pretend (in games)
    - to manipulate
    - to be compationate
    - to philosophize
    - to lead
    - to love, to admire, to have affinity for, to have sympathy for
    - to produce motion, to undo motion
    - to have affinity, to remove affinity 
    - to endow life
    - to manipulate life force
    - to drain life force
    - to lease, to re-lease
    - to block
    - to solidify
    - to hold
    - to touch
    - to count
    - to solve, to re-solve
    - to intend
    - to decide
    - to desire
    - to anticipate
    - to postulate, to remove postulates 
    - to levitate
    - to teleport
    - to be fast
    - to be slow
    - to be flowing
    - to measure, to unmeasure
    - to manipulate energy
    - to create energy
    - to invent energy
    - to propagate flows, to dampen flows
    - to not glare, to glare
    - to beam
    - to blanket
    - to zap
    - to nip
    - to cohesize
    - to select
    - to use willingness
    - to use peobabilities
    - to select, to unselect 
    - to spaceate (as being, reality, universe, multiverse, selectively, etc)
    - to energize
    - to slide
    - to historicize (past, future, present, etc)
    - to use (maintain) multiple viewpoints, to use (maintain) single viewpoint
    - to use mass, to do without mass
    - to use energy, to do without energy
    - to use time, to do without a time
    - to fill space, to empty space
    - to make vacuums, to uncreate vacuums 
    - to be located, to not be located
    - to gain mass, to lose mass
    - to ignore energy, to be effected by energy (for research, games, inventivity, etc)
    - to approve 
    - to improve
    - to invent
    - to folow the laws of common-reality, to violate the laws of common-reality
    - to follow the laws of energy, to violate the laws of energy
    - to follow the laws of space, to violate the laws of space
    - to follow the laws of time, to violate the laws of time
    - to follow the laws of matter, to violate the laws of matter
    - to predict specificly about randomice (per unit, per reality, per being, etc) 
    - to predetermine (past, present, future, incl yet non-existing conceps, beings, realities, applications, etc) 
    - to find out
    - to be invisible
    - to hide
    - to play
    - to create specificly games (competitive, non-competitive, with or without development, closed games, open games, with or without prizes, etc) 
    - to fix, to unfix
    - to perceive as a body to perceive as a spirit
    - to be a body ('s) (multiple, solely own, common, shared, via concept aplication, switchable, etc)
    - to be a spirit ('s) (multiple, solely own, common, shared, via concept application, switchable, etc) 
    - to operate without referance
    - to isolate, to unisolate
    - to develop (self, others, realities, collectives, undefined, etc)
    - to be godlike (creative with application of care, etc)
    - to be in (this) universe, to leave universe
    - to create, to uncreate (beings, realities, etc)
    - to mock-up, to un-mock
    - to be logical
    - to be un-logical
    - to be random
    - to be orderly
    - to be chaotic
    - to be positive
    - to be negative
    - to be neutral
    - to be linear
    - to be non-linear
    - to make rules, to violate rules
    - to co-create
    - to share
    - to help
    - to be, make portals (self, common, fixed, etc)
    - to create space (plain, dimensionalized, etc)
    - to create time (linear, multiple, chronological, not inter-connected, synchronized, not synchronized, etc) 
    - to create matter (particles, etc)
    - to create realities (solely own)
    - to create common-realities (collective, binary, etc)
    - to uncreate common-realities 
    - to create completely new beingness, beings (solely own)
    - to create completely new beingness, beings collectively (binary or more)
    - to travel through realities (multiverses, universes, without or with reflectivity, etc)
    - to switch between realities (multiverses, universes, without or with reflectivity, etc)
    - to reflect
    - to randomize, to unrandomize
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