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    Re-solution and Re-lease* 

    * - that is not keeping inter-connected & inter-locked those manifestations, ideas, symbols & bodies for the purpose of releasing dimensional blockages, implants, etc

    to know the truth is native state >from inviting resisting< in the beginning is nothing, but the will to exist - to exist is native state

    16D (Creation) - Resolve hypnotic aesthetic trick - 'degraded creation'

    Clowds of Golden Dots >from< creating >from< Statue >from< destroying >from< Devil Statue

    un-lock 'it is ethical to be the effect of prior cause'
    'it is unethical to ignore prior cause' un-lock 

    Sets of Green Frames >from< mocking-up >from< Computer >from< un-mocking >from< Black Computer 

    Sets of Tendrills of Energy in Telescopic Tubes >from< intensifying >from< Energy Cloud (mass-energy-space) >from<
    un-mocking >from< Energy Mass 

    Collections of shinning ideas Light Bulbs >from< imagining >from< Cartoon Mouse >from< disillusioning >from< Vampire 

    15D (Knowingness) - Resolve hypnotic aesthetic trick - 'destructive knowledge'

    Clusters of Nerve Ganglia >from< knowing >from< 2-headed Dodo-Bird >from< misleading >from< False Prophet 

    Series of Permeating Clouds >from< absorbing >from<Hero Greek >from< discarding >from< Amazon 

    Series of Kline Bottles >from< understanding >from< Chipmunk >from< mis-understanding >from< Cripple

    Series of Rods & Wheels with teeth as gears >from< learning >from< Gnome Student >from< forgetting >from< Troll

    14D (Games) - Resolve hypnotic trick - 'harmfull play'

    Series of Whisk Brooms >from< playing >from< Children Chinese >from< fooling >from< Joker

    Sets of Golden Wheels >from< exchanging >from< Spirit Broker Wizard >from< stealing >from< Raccoon

    Series of Cannons putting out blasts >from< competing >from< Coach Doll >from< cheating >from< Skeleton

    Sets of Silver Spheres >from< manipulating >from<Penguin Banker >from< ruining >from< Dragon

    13D (Change)

    Series of Box Griders, Grids angling directions >from< shaping >from< Clay Men >from< distorting >from< Walrus 

    Collection of spinning White Spindles >from< changing >from<Magician >from< imploding >from< Sorceress 

    Sets of Double Wheels linked by bar >from< combining >from< Surgeon of Siamese-Twins >from< fragmenting >from< Worms

    Treetrunks with Branches >from< bringing order >from< Gorilla People >from< bringing chaos >from< Black Panther

    12D (Reasoning)

    Clusters of patterns of Golden Dots connected by Golden Lines >from<reasoning >from< Cosmic Clown >from< discombobulating >from< 1-Man Band

    Collections of Frames with Marked Coordinates >from< orienting >from< Wire Man >from< disorient >from< Spinning Top

    Bundles of Rods interconnecting everything >from< computing >from< Maze Solver with Toy Bodies >from< confusing >from< Zombie

    Collections of shinning Silver Stars >from< guiding >from< Pilot >from< misdirecting >from< Scarecrow

    11D (Construction)

    Levers on Fulcrums as Seesaws >from< constructing >from< Beaver People >from< teardowning >from< Wrecking Crane

    Falling Golden Drops >from< engineering >from< Lobster People >from< ?

    Many Spinning Cylinders >from< building >from< Snake People >from< wrecking >from< Ranging Bull

    Series of Oblongs as tractors >from<structuring >from< Crystals >from< shattering >from< Batman

    10D (Aesthetics) Resolve hypnotic trick - 'beautiful sadness of a being who couldn't resist trapping himself'

    Comets leaving trails of glowing dust >from< inventing >from< Munchkins >from< divesting >from< Troll

    Series of little Golden Trumpets >from< inspiring >from< Musses >from< occluding >from< Mesmerist

    Sets of little White Candles with Golden Flames >from< enhancing >from< Ghost People >from< worsening >from< Demon

    Series of Silver Bells >from< beautifying >from< Fairy Queen >from< making ugly >from< Old Witch

    9D (Ethics) Resolve hypnotic tricks - 'dying for the sake of honor', 'brave sacrifice of one for others', 'true unrequited, self sacrificing love', 'glorious sacrifice'

    Series of Golden Explosions >from< strengthen >from< Strong Man >from< hurting >from< Silver Ball

    Series of Wreaths of Fire >from< purifying >from< Fire People >from< perverting >from< Satyr

    Many balancing Veneer Clipers in pairs >from< evaluating, judging >from< Minotaur >from< accusing, blaming >from< Ogre

    Mesh like Energy Screens >from< defending >from< Little Green Men >from< attacking >from< Gorilla Soldier

    8D (Religion)

    Series of narrow little Stacks of Fanfold Paper >from< enlightening >from< Rabbit Preacher >from< obscuring >from< Smog Monster

    Series of Heavenly Gates >from< converting >from< Fish Man, Reptile >from< disabusing >from< Jackal 

    Series of Staffs of Light which shine >from< connecting >from< Angel Female >from< disconnecting >from< Spider Woman

    Series of Thunderclouds which emit lighning >from< praying, worshipping >from< Knight >from< profane >from< Monk

    7D (Spirits)

    Series of angling Green Roads >from< predetermining >from< Soothsayer >from< randomizing >from< 3-headed Griffin

    Many Wicker Baskets >from< collecting >from< Elves >from< rejecting >from< Wolf Man

    Series of tiny White Angels with Golden Wings >from< influencing >from< Cupid >from< scandalizing >from< Hunchback

    Series of Transparent Spheres >from< permeating >from< The Tan >from< ?

    6D (Phisycal)

    Series of Silver Crosses with one bar longer >from< locating >from< Leprechaun >from< misplacing >from< Cricket

    Many spinning Golden Spheres >from< energizing >from< Thought Circles >from<

    Series of Spinning Cones >from< solidifying >from< Pan-Goat God >from< ?

    Series of Fishing Nets >from< gathering >from< Space-Suit Invader >from< ?

    5D (Life)

    Many glowing Golden Dots with rods >from< growing >from< Geneticist Golden Clowd >from< rotting >from< Fungus Creature

    Series of Flocks of Golden Arrows >from< discovering >from< Centaurs >from< hiding >from< Octopus

    Series of swimming Golden Parameciums >from< healing >from< Tree Man >from< infect >from< Germ Colony

    Many Golden Harnesses wich tie together >from< establishing >from< 3-eyed Giants >from< undermining >from< 3-eyed Robot

    4D (Society) Resolve hypnotic trick - 'myth of great leader carying for all his citizens'

    Series of Snowflakes as spider-webs >from< sharing >from< Dolphin People >from< possessing >from< Sea Monsters

    Many Vibrating Drums >from< uniting >from< Dog Solder >from< conquering >from< War Eagles

    Series of Forceps or Salad Tongs >from< controlling >from< Frog King >from< rebelling >from< Gargoyle 

    Series of Balancing Scales >from< judging >from< Giant Judge >from< ?

    3D (Groups)

    Many Shelves with Mechanical Arms >from< organizing >from< Clerk >from< dis-organizing >from< Fu Manchu

    Series of Antennas putting out Lightning Bolts >from< co-operating >from< Robots >from< individuating >from< Iron Horse

    Many radiating warmth Heating Coils >from< participating >from< Mermaid Singer >from< debasing >from< Elephant Girl

    Series of Golden Bubbles going outwards in concentric rings >from< Mouse Engineer >from< contracting >from< Maniac 

    2D (Sex & Family)

    Many shinning Floodlights as Clamp Lamps >from< reproducing >from< Insect People, Invaders >from<infecting >from< Insects 

    Many Reflecting Mirrors >from< satisfying >from< Cave Man >from< ridiculing >from< Mooron 

    Series of Double Golden Helixes >from< joining >from< Levitating Cat People >from< separating >from< Black Cat

    Series White Fur Balls sending out Little White Dots >from< caring for >from< Bird Girl >from< torturing >from< Pincer Devil 

    1D (Body)  Resolve hypnotic trick - 'what aids your survival also inhibits it'

    Series of Towels that stroke >from< feeling >from< Bear >from< deaden >from< Kali

    Series of Oil Cans >from< repleneshing >from< Arab Thief >from< aging >from< Father Time

    Series of Anoebas >from< consuming >from< Tiger >from< starving, poisoning >from< Spider

    Series of sets of Golden Pyramids >from< enduring >from< 3-eyed Pyramid >from< dissipating >from< Mummy 

    Resolve hypnotic trick, implant - 'you will miss out on things if you don't become degraded'
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