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    By Dennis Stephens

    In this site we present parts of Dennis work For full materials visit

    To order the book or for copyright info contact worldwide distributor Judith Anderson at

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    Life is a spiritual quality It has four basic abilities:

    1. It can bring things into existence
    2. It can take things out of existence
    3. It can know
    4. It can not-know

    These actions are accomplished by postulates A postulate is a causative consideration
    That which is brought into existence, taken out of existence, known or not-known is called an effect

    1. The purpose of bringing an effect into existence is to make it known
    2. The purpose of taking an effect out of existence is to make it not known
    3. The purpose of knowing is to know
    4. The purpose of not knowing is to not know

    Thus, 1 & 3 and 2 & 4 are complementary postulates They enhance affinity
    Thus, 1 & 4 and 2 & 3 are conflicting postulates They lower affinity

    Conflicting postulates are called a game The purpose of a game is to have fun All conflicting postulates are essentially a game, though it may be called other things Due to contagion with opposing postulates all games tend to reduce the ability of the being to postulate The power of a being is his ability to make his postulates effective

    A game is won when the loser becomes convinced of the opponents postulates Thus, all games are essentially contests in conviction, and all failure is basically postulate failure (Those things that had been variously called engrams, traumas, etc will be found upon examination only to consist of postulate failure) Postulate failure is known as an overwhelm Overwhelming the postulate of an opponent in a game is known as an overt act Having one's own postulates overwhelmed is called a motivator

    The difference between win/lose and overt/motivator is a very fine one, and is determined solely by the considered value of the game If the game is relativelt trivial, then win/lose is applied; if the game is serious (important) then overt/motivator is applied

    In that the winning of a game brings about the end of the game - and thus the loss of the game itself - winning and loosing are junior considerations to the actual playing of the game Thus the playing of the game is senior to the consideration of win/lose It is a rule of all games, that intentionally lowering one's ability in order to be more evenly matched with the opponent leads inevitably to the state of an enforced loss of the game
    Thus, the paradox of all games: 

    a. All games are played for fun
    b. To always win is no fun
    c. To invite a loss is to eventually have a loss enforced upon one

    Thus, eventual failure is the end result of all games

    This is the dwindling spiral of ability of the being in the universe (After the loss of a game censidered serious, the loser'only recourse is to blame the victor for overwhelming him Thus, blame is the assignment of responsibility for the outcome of a game, with an implied wrongness If the victor accepts this blame - it too is a postulate overwhelm - he feels guilt Thus, blame and guilt are seen as two sides of the same coin: where one is present, you will always find the other They are a pair, and are quite inseparable

    Games are played in space and need time for their completion In the absence of games, space and time cease to exist Thus conflicting postulates perpetuate space and time, while complementary postulates vanish it A game, to be worth playing, must contain elements considered valuable Value is monitored by the consideration of beauty, and is increased by scarcity But as both the effect and the consideration of value or beauty are generated by life, then life has a senior value to all things (Civilizations invariably decline when this truth is lost)

    Complementary postulates enhance life; conflicting postulates detract from it Thus games, althou considered fun, have the liability of lessening the "amount" of life the being possesses Games, by their very nature, can become compulsive, and result in the lessening of life - to such a degree that the true nature of life, postulates and games themselves become unknown to the being This state of affairs is only resolved, in the final instance, by the application of the complementary postulates Thus complementary postulates, when applied, have the ability to dissolve all games

    The four basic actions of life each have a twin postulate structure:

    1. The postulate of bringing the effect into existence, and the postulate that it shall be known
    2. The postulate of taking the effect out of existence and the postulate that it shall be not known
    3. The postulate to know the effect and that it shall be made known
    4. The postulate to not know the effect and the postulate that it shall be made not known

    Thus, in each of the basic actions, each postulate complements and enhances it's twin Thus, the postulate structure between beings is:


    1. Make known  -  1. Know
    2. Make not-known  -  2. Not-know
    3. Know -  3. Make known
    4. Not-know  -   4. Make not-known

    The "self" postulate is at one's own end and is called the self-determined postulate (SD); the "other's" postulate is the one you put at the other end of the comm line, and is called the pan determined postulate (PD) Thus, when two beings at different ends of a comm line, adopt (1) and (3) or (2) and (3) respectively, both their self-determined and pan-determined postulates match perfectly, and understanding occurs However, when they adopt (1) & (4) or (2) & (3) respectively, there is conflict between their SD and PD postulates and understanding is correspondingly reduced

    It is a law of all games that overwhelming failure causes the being to compulsively adopt the pan-determined postulate of his opponent This is the postulate enforced upon him at his end of the comm line A game, then, can be regarded as a conflict of postulates wherein a being endeavors to convince his opponent of his own (PD) postulate, while resisting the (PD) postulate arrayed at him All games, despite their seeming complexity, can be reduced to this basic simplicity and thus understood

    All games contain conviction Conviction, by definition, is enforcement of knowingness Enforcement of knowingness is called importance Importance is basis of all significance Essentially, importance is a "must"

    In games of play our four basic abilities become:

    SD PD
    1. Must be known 1. Must know
    2. Must not be known 2. Must not know
    3. Must know 3. Must be known
    4. Must not know 4. Must not be known

    That which is considered important tends to persist and to become more solid Solidity and persistence - need for - are thus the basic conviction phenomena in games Things are made more solid and more persistent to convince others of their existence The mechanism is entirely reversible: that which is persisting and solid tended to be regarded as important

    Any importance is relative to, and can be evaluated against, any other importance There is no absolute importance Thus, what the being considers important is relative to the being and the games he is playing

    Thus, any field of knowledge which postulates an absolute importance is at variance with natural law (The search for deeper significance into life or the mind is only the search for prior or greater importance) In that all importance is relative to all other importance it is both a fruitless and endless search Various past researchers in this field have claimed to have discovered basic importances of a more or less absolute nature ("sex", "survival" etc) and then procceded to develop a therapy based upon their discovery We can now see clearly why they failed The "button" is importance Having now found it we can stop looking for it

    The amount of conviction required to convince a being of the existence of postulate is relative to the being and games he is playing A games rule is an agreement between beings denoting permissible play However, games rules, being postulates themselves, and being junior to the games portulates, also become subject to games play Thus, Law, Justice, etc become themselves a games condition, and are subject to, and junior to the basic laws of games Thus, any games rule, once introduced, immediately becomes a subject to a games condition in it's own right Thus, the only immutable laws are the four basic abilities of life itself All else tends to be of a transient nature

    Collecting and numbering out four basic SD postulates we get:

    1. Must be known 3. Must know
    2. Must not be known 4. Must not know

    The basic games are:
    Those four numbers we shall call the legs of the basic game The oppositins are shown by the arrows In that it is not possible to play a game with an effect untill it has been brought into existence, all games with an effect start at 1; due to progressive postulate failure the being progresses round the legs of the basic game in the following manner:

    The being at (1) is in opposition to (4), who he is endeavoring to convince that the effect should be known; (4) on the other hand, is doing a "Mustn't Know" on the effect, and his PD postulate is "Mustn't Be Known" If (1) fails he will adopt the PD postulate of (4), and will move from leg (1) to leg (2) regarding the effect He has now left the old game, and is confronted with a new opponent, (3), who is endeavoring to know the effect Failure in this new game will result in (2) being forced to adopt the PD postulate of (3), which is "Must Be Known" However, he can no longer adopt his postulate regarding the effect, for it is already in failure from the earlier game, so he now leaves (2) and adopts the valence of (3) and maintains the postulate "Must Know" regarding the effect He is now in opposition to his own old identity, (2) and carries the SD postulate of "Must Know", with the PD postulate of "Must be Known" Further failure causes the being to adopt the PD postulate of (2), "Mustn't Know", and so sink into leg (4) with an SD postulate "Must not Know" In this new and final game with the effect he is opposed by (1), "Must be Known", regarding the effect Failure in this game will force him to adopt the postulate of "Must Know" However, he cannot adopt this postulate regarding the effect as it is already in failure So he goes into the valence of (1) and henceforth operates with a substitute effect This is forced, for an examination of the situation will now show that all four postulates, both as SD and PD, are now in failure, so no further game with the original effect is any longer playable

    This cycle is known as the Postulate Failure Cycle regarding an effect The route around the legs is:

    The four legs constitute the four legs of the goal "To Know" All other goals likewise have four legs, but an examination of them will reveal that without exception they all are methods of making known, making not known, knowing or not knowing Thus, they are junior to the goal "To Know" and we need not consider them The past of the being then, will be found to consist of the various vicissitudes he has encoutered on the legs of the goal "To Know" regarding a succession of effects and substitute affects If desired, this route can be traced back through time





    Must Know
    Must Be Known
    Forced to Know

    Mustn't Know
    Must Be Known

    Mustn't Know
    Must Be Known

    Mustn't Know
    Mustn't Be Known
    Preventing from being Known

    Mustn't Know
    Mustn't Be Known
    Prevented from Knowing

    Must Know
    Mustn't Be Known

    Must Know
    Mustn't Be Known

    Must Know
    Must Be Known
    Forcing to be Known

    Must Be Known
    Must Know
    Forced to be Known

    Mustn't be known
    Must Know

    Mustn't Be Known
    Must Know

    Mustn't Be Known
    Mustn't Know
    Prevented from Knowing

    Mustn't Be Known
    Mustn't Know
    Prevented from being Known

    Must Be Known
    Mustn't Know

    Must Be Known
    Mustn't Known

    Must Be Known
    Must Know
    Forcing to Know

    Note: the time track runs from 8 to 1 You work from 1 to 8, around and around

    There is a valence shift on the Track between and the new substitute effect entered at 8B Also a valence shift occurs between 5A and 4B

    It is to be noted that valence shifts are always diagonally across the goals package The valence the being goes into is called the winning valence, the valence he comes out of is called the losing valence Thus legs 1 and 3 are winning valences, and legs 2 and 4 are losing valences Shifts from legs 1 to 2, or 3 to 4, are not valence shifts, they are merely the super-imposition of Mustn't postulate over an existing Must postulate, now in failure All valence shifts involve the adoption of a new identity, whether real or imagined

    The repository of these experiences on the goal "To Know" regarding a succession of effects and substitute effects we call the mind Basically, then, the mind is best considered as a collection of past importances Due to their intrinsic nature, past importances have a command power over the being in the present However, as these various past importances are contacted and re-evaluated to present time realities the mind will be found to become progressively less persisting and less and less solid, and will finally vanish Nevertheless, the being can, at any time, by re-injecting sufficient fresh importance into any part of it, cause it to reappear in any desired solidity Needless to say, when this stage is reached the mind will no longer have a command power over the being, and his full abilities will be restored The command power of the mind over the being is only the command power of postulates it contains Once these have been contacted and re-evaluated to present time realities, the mind, as an entity, will be found to vanish As the mind contains no postulates that have not been put there by the being during the playing of various games through time, it is of no value to him, and unless required for reference or aesthetic purposes is best kept in a state of vanishment

    The being enters games at a desire level, they later become an enforcement, and then an inhibition Thus, the being will be found to be in games condition regarding his past games As the repository of these games is called the mind, the being will be found to be in a games condition with his own mind As the mind only contains his own past postulates, he cannot possibly ever win the game against his own mind It is the one game he can only lose Extreme examples of failure in this game we call insanity What is called the enigma of the mind is the result of compulsive games condition that the being is in regarding it The attitude of the being towards his mind, or any part of it, can only be one or other of the legs of the goal "To Know" Thus, the mind exibits the following phenomena:

    Any attempt to create an effect upon it (Must be known) will cause it to resist the effect (Mustn't know) The greater the attempt to create the effect upon it the more resistive it becomes

    Any attempt to withdraw from it (Mustn't be known) will cause the mind to seemingly pursue the being (Must know) Hence, the well known feeling of being "stuck with" ones own mind

    Any attempt to know the mind (Must know) will cause the mind to seemingly to adopt a Mustn't be known and become progressively more elusive

    Any attempt to resist the mind (Mustn't know) will cause the mind to immediately enforce itself upon the being (Must be known) and overwhelm the being

    It is only this compulsive games condition that a being gets into regarding his own mind, and an ignorance of its true nature, that has defeated past researchers in this field It has the well deserved reputation of being the most difficult subject of all to discover anything about This compulsive games condition between the being and his own mind also accounts for the wide-spread apathy we encounter when the subject of doing something about the mind is mentioned, for most beings have long since fought themselves to a standstill on this subject; they have become resigned to what they consider the inevitable Thus, it can be clearly seen that the mind can never be resolved by going into games condition with it, for whichever role being adopts his mind will invariably overwhelm him

    The key to the resolution of the mind, then, lies in exercising the being in the discovery and creation of complementary postulates, and, transiently, in unraveling the tangled mass of conflicting postulates that his mind has become The mind, being a repository of old games, which are postulates in conflict, has no defence against the application and re-injection of complementary postulates regarding the effects it contains In short, we wanish the mind by progressively getting the being to create, and do exercises in, complementary and conflicting postulates; to create and experience the overt and motivator overwhelms, play games and generally bring back under his own determinism these four basic four postulates - both as SD and PD - which go to make up the interchange we call life Enroute he will discover, or re-discover, all there is to know about life, he will also discover his true nature as a spiritual being

    Knowing the anatomy of games and the Postulate Failure Cycle, it is now possible to list all conceivable classes of overts and motivators regarding an effect Its also possible to list them in the order in which they were accumulated through time Each leg of the goal "To Know" has its own over and motivator, giving a total of 8 classes in all:

    Leg 1 1) Forcing to know (overt)
    2) Prevented from being known (motivator)

    Leg 2 3) Preventing from knowing (overt)
    4) Forced to be known (motivator)

    Leg 3 5) Forcing to be known (overt)
    6) Prevented from knowing (motivator)

    Leg 4 7) Preventing from being known (overt)
    8) Forced to know (motivator)

    If one wished to address these regarding the specific effect on a being one would, off course, work backwards from 8 to 1, as the most recent experiences tend to occlude the earlier ones Thus, to remove the command power of any effect it is only necessary to discharge these various overts and motivators where they appear on the time track As can be seen, there are only four classes of overwhelm, and each has a common name in our language:

    Forcing to know Infliction
    Preventing from being known Rejection
    Preventing from knowing Deprivation
    Forcing to be known Revelation
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